The Human Resources Development Office, Human Resources Planning Department, ADK Holdings Co., Ltd. conducts a "Awareness and Fact-finding Survey on New Graduate Recruitment" for 100 working adults who have experienced new graduate recruitment selection officers.The results of the survey were announced.

 According to the survey, when asked "Is there a clear recruitment axis (recruitment standard) for new graduate recruitment in your company?", The answer was "A clear recruitment axis (recruitment standard) is set." , 3%, less than 27.0%, and the remaining 73% answered that they were "somehow set" or "not set".

 When asked "How much do you understand the image of human resources required for your company?", 36.0% answered "I understand." 64.0% answered that they "somehow understand" or "do not understand much". Regarding "types of students who want to hire", "students who seem to be familiar with the atmosphere of the company" and "students with high communication skills" ranked first with 56%.The result was that they were adopted based on individual subjective and ambiguous standards rather than clear standards.

 In addition, regarding "human resources required for the current company", "human resources with comprehensive ability in the current business = optimal human resources for the current situation" or "human resources with some strength that can develop new fields" When asked about the alternative, 75% answered that they were "currently optimal human resources."

Reference: [PR TIMES] It turns out that most of the new graduate recruitment selection officers are selecting with "the recruitment criteria ambiguous"!The big issue for the company is not being able to identify the human resources that it really needs.

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