From November 2019, Jissen Women's University, Kyoto City, and Maruzen will jointly hold the "Motojiro Kajii and Spirited Away Kyoto" exhibition in Tokyo and Kyoto.

 This exhibition was planned as the first of the agreements on business cooperation and cooperation signed between Jissen Women's University and Kyoto City in May 2019 points including a draft of Kajii Motojiro's masterpiece "Remon", which was confirmed to exist in 5 as a commemorative exhibition of the 120th anniversary of the founding of Jissen Women's Academy, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Department of Japanese Literature at Jissen Women's University, and the 150th anniversary of Maruzen's founding. Will be exhibited.

 In the short story "Lemon" by Motojiro Kajii (1901-1932), a modern masterpiece set in Kyoto, the protagonist, whose heart is held down by the "unknown ominous mass", walks around the streets of Kyoto.The Maruzen Kyoto store, which is one of the exhibition venues this time, has appeared in the work, and even now, when it has moved from Sanjo Fuyacho, literary fans sometimes come to leave lemons.

 This exhibition "Motojiro Kajii and" Spirited Away "Kyoto", named after the feeling of walking around the town unique to Kyoto, is a collection of 79 handwritten manuscripts including a draft of "Lemon". This is the largest exhibition where you can see first-class materials such as "spirited away", the first edition of "Lemon", the only book published in his lifetime, and related books.Also on display are old maps and photo panels that trace the research results of this manuscript discovered in 2011 and the memories of walking around the town of Taisho Kyoto.

 東京展は2019年11月13~19日に丸善丸の内本店(丸の内オアゾ内)で、京都展は11月23日~12月7日に丸善京都本店(京都BAL内)にて開催する。さらに、11月23日(土)13:30から丸善京都本店 B2催事会場にて開幕式と座談会が行われ、実践女子大学国文学科の棚田 輝嘉教授と河野 龍也教授が出席する。

 11月23日(土)の座談会は同じ内容を第1部 14:00~15:00、第2部 16:00~17:00でそれぞれ定員30名、無料で参加できる(多数の場合は抽選)。応募は10月18日より、京都市いつでもコール(075-661-3755)で受け付ける。
reference:[Jissen Women's University] Visit Maruzen, the draft of "Motojiro Kajii and" Spirited Away "Kyoto" to the phantom "Lemon"! -Tokyo exhibition (11/13-) and Kyoto exhibition (11/23-) will be held.

Jissen Women's University

Practical education that fosters kindness and strength.To the power to support people and society

Jissen Women's University advocates the educational philosophy of "cultivating women who can be dignified and self-employed," and fosters independent women who have the ability to play an active role in society. We offer practical learning that suits the times at two campuses, "Shibuya in the city center" and "Hino, which is rich in nature."There are few exercises (seminars), experiments, practical training, etc. […]

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