When Nikkei BP Consulting investigated the comprehensive strength of university brands in the Tokyo metropolitan area and Kinki area, the top three were Tokyo University, Waseda University, Keio University in the metropolitan area, and Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Ritsumeikan University in the Kinki area.

 In August, the survey asked about the recognition and brand image of 8 universities in 9 regions nationwide, and summarized it in a report.According to the report, the University of Tokyo is at the top of the metropolitan area, and Waseda University, which was third for five consecutive years, came in second.Last time, Keio University, which was in second place, was in third place.

 Looking at the images of 49 items related to the university individually, Aoyama Gakuin University is the top of the list of "currently attracting attention, in season".He attracted attention for his success in the Hakone Ekiden and the marriage of OG newscaster Christel Takigawa.
Ferris University ranked first in the image of "elegance and sincerity," and jumped from second place to the top for the second consecutive year.It seems to be a reflection of the student image of being polite and elegant.

 In the Kinki area, Kyoto University maintained the top position with an overwhelming difference to the second place and below. Second place is Osaka University. Ritsumeikan University entered the top three for the first time, ranking up from 2th place last time.It seems to be the influence of the penetration of the communication mark "R".

 Kinki University, which is known for tuna farming, occupies the top position in the fields of dynamism and community contribution.

reference:[Nikkei BP Consulting] University brand comprehensive strength, top 3 are the University of Tokyo, Waseda University, Keio University
University brand comprehensive strength, top 3 are Kyoto University, Osaka University, Ritsumeikan

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