Waseda University will hold a forum on November 2019, 11, which will be the culmination of the "Leading Program for Doctoral Education" that started in 30 with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.As part of this, a "President's Roundtable Meeting" was held in which the presidents and vice presidents of 2011 national, public and private universities gathered together to summarize their thoughts on the utilization of doctoral human resources in companies.

 The "Doctoral Education Leading Program" was started in 2011 with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in order to develop excellent students into leaders who are active globally with a bird's-eye view and creativity.Supporting the drastic reform of graduate school education that brings together first-class faculty members and students from Japan and overseas to build and develop a consistent quality-guaranteed degree program in the first and second semesters of the doctoral program, and the formation of a graduate school suitable for the highest school Is being promoted.So far, 62 programs (33 universities) have been adopted, and about 1800 graduates (as of the end of 2018) have been produced.At Waseda University, the 2012 "Leading Doctoral Program in Science and Engineering" and the 2013 "Doctoral Program in Informatics" were adopted, and 2019 will be the final year of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's project. "Forum" will be held.

 At the forum, Mr. Masaya Ninomiya, Chairman of the Corporate Behavior and SDGs of the Japan Business Federation, will be involved in "Keidanren's Initiatives for SDGs", and Mr. Mutsuhiro Yunobu, Executive Officer and Vice President of the University of Tokyo, who will be involved in the design of the leading program. Lecture on "Expectations for Graduates of Leading Doctoral Education Program".After the lecture, 138 doctoral students and graduate students taking the program asked, "How do you want to change the world in 17 years?" Centered on the 10 international goals set forth in the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). We discussed "Can we change it?" For each team and announced their ideas.

 In addition, as part of the forum, the presidents and vice presidents of 33 national, public and private universities from 22 selected universities will meet together to hold a "Presidents' Roundtable".Lively discussions were held based on the results of graduate school education reform with an eye on industry-academia collaboration toward the utilization of doctoral human resources in companies.
Therefore, as a "message to industry," "1. Universities will work together with industry and government to further develop a system to develop doctoral human resources who will lead the creation of a new society based on advanced academic knowledge." 2. I hope that the specialists of doctoral degree holders will be properly evaluated for their wide range of skills and achievements, and that they will be used to create a place for further success within the company. ”

Reference: Doctoral Education Leading Program Forum 2019 I will change the world like this

Waseda University

Reform with the aim of "WASEDA shining in the world" with research, education, and contribution as the three pillars

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