A research group led by Professor Taketoshi Yoshida of the University of Toyama Hospital Perinatal Maternal and Child Center investigated the tendency of cesarean delivery and bonding to children of mothers who gave birth by normal delivery. I found out that.

 According to the University of Toyama, bonding refers to the emotional interest and affection that a mother has towards her child, motivating her to protect and care for her child.However, some mothers are unwilling to do so and suffer from "bonding problems" that can be frustrating and hostile.The University of Toyama has previously reported a link between bonding disorders and postpartum depression, but is a girl in areas where negative feelings about pregnancy, relationships with spouses, night crying of children, and culturally valued boys. In addition, childbirth due to caesarean section can also be a risk of bonding failure.

 This time, the research group investigated the relationship between the degree of cesarean section and bonding among the above risks.The subjects of the survey are 15 mothers who participate in the "National Survey on Child Health and Environment (Eco-Chill Survey)" by the Ministry of the Environment and 8 universities nationwide.At the first year after childbirth, 3,000 questions were asked, and the tendency of feelings showing "lack of affection" and "anger and refusal" was also investigated.

 As a result, the lack of affection was not significantly different between cesarean section and normal delivery for both primiparas and multiparous women.Caesarean section accounts for about 2% of all births, but the research group thinks that it may be a reassuring material for pregnant women who are about to give birth.

 However, in this survey, it was not possible to distinguish between a "planned caesarean section" that informs the mother of the caesarean section in advance and an "emergency caesarean section" that is performed due to a problem with the mother or foetation.Since bonding disorders have been pointed out only in "emergency caesarean section", the research group needs detailed research on emergency caesarean section in the future.

reference:[University of Toyama] Delivery style was not related to attachment formation with babies (from Ecochill survey)

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