Elsevier, which specializes in journal publishing and information analysis, has released the latest international gender report "Career Paths for Researchers from a Gender Perspective *" in the research community of 15 countries and regions around the world, including the European Union and Japan. ..

 According to the report, in almost all surveyed countries and regions, the number of female researchers per 2014 male researchers in 2018-100 increased by about 1999 compared to 2003-20, and the study The gender gap in participation is shrinking overall.However, it was also shown that there are still differences in terms of the number of papers, the number of paper citations, the number of grant recipients, the number of collaborators, and awareness of gender disparities.Looking at Japan, the number of female researchers out of 100 male researchers increased significantly from 11 to 18, but the proportion of female researchers was the lowest among the countries surveyed.

 The percentage of female authors publishing papers was 2014% between 2018 and 51, with males surpassing females in all countries and fields of study except Argentina.Japan had the lowest percentage of females at 15%.

 Looking at the authors of young papers, there were many women, most often in the field of life health science, especially in nursing and psychology, but in Japan alone, there were more male researchers than women in nursing and psychology. rice field.In general, male researchers outnumber women in terms of the number of papers published, international papers published, grants, and patent applications. In Japan, men have a higher paper publication rate than women, and men. Published about 1.8 times more papers than women.However, on the other hand, there was not much difference between men and women in terms of FWCI (an indicator of the impact of research based on the number of citations).

* The "career path of researchers from a gender perspective" is the European Union and 15 countries and regions around the world (US, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, EU28 countries, Portugal, Spain, UK, France, Netherlands, (Italy, Germany, Denmark, Australia, Japan), we examined the participation of men and women in research in 26 fields, career paths, and awareness of gender disparities.In addition to Elsevier's Scopus data and analysis based on new methods, it was created with advice from experts around the world on research questions, analytical methods, and more.

reference:[Elsevier] Elsevier announces the latest international gender report in the research world Japan has the lowest percentage of female authors among the target countries, and there is still a gender gap in the research field (PDF)

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