Researchers such as the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hokkaido University, Yamanashi University, Hokkaido Research Organization, and Nagoya City Environmental Science Research Center have reported that 20 of the amount of "soot" particles deposited on the ground surface in Sapporo City and Rishiri Island, Hokkaido. Announced that it was the first to elucidate the transition over the years.

 Soot particles generated by incomplete combustion in the event of fossil fuel combustion or forest fire reduce the reflectance of sunlight when deposited on the snow and ice surface (snow pollution).As a result, when the amount of solar energy obtained from the ground surface increases, the temperature of the ground surface and the atmosphere near the ground surface rises, so the effect of snow pollution caused by soot has been pointed out as one of the factors of climate impact problems.

 In this study, we focused on the deposition sampler used in acid rain research by environmental research institutes of each local government in order to obtain long-term soot particle deposition data.The Hokkaido Prefectural Research Organization has been collecting precipitation in Sapporo City and Rishiri Island since the 1980s, and has preserved used thin film filters. It is said that it was the first time to analyze the amount of soot that had been collected and to clarify the past soot particle deposition amount data over a long period of time.

 As a result, it was found that the change in the amount of deposits from year to year was very large, and that the amount of soot particles deposited increased significantly, especially between 2000 and 2001 when a large amount of yellow sand came flying.This suggests that a large amount of soot may have been transported from the continent at the same time as the yellow sand.

 Currently, measured values ​​of soot concentration in snow and ice are used to verify the amount of deposits in climate models.However, since this study found that the amount of soot particles deposited varies greatly from year to year, it is possible to verify the climate model using one-time observation data for a specific period or data for a relatively short period such as several years. , There is a possibility that a large error will occur.It can be said that this is a research result that shows the importance of fully verifying the climate model by using more observation data for a relatively long period of time.

reference:[Hokkaido University] Measurement of changes in the amount of soot particles deposited on the ground surface over 20 years (PDF)

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