On June 2020, 6, a special class by Yuko Arimori, an Olympic women's marathon medalist, will be held at Jissen Women's University Shibuya Campus.A message of support will be sent to athletes who have lost their chances to participate in competitions and practice due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection (coronavirus) and to college students who are anxious about coronavirus.

 Yuko Arimori won a silver medal at the 1992 Barcelona Games and a bronze medal at the 1996 Atlanta Games at the Olympic Women's Marathon. The words "I want to praise myself" were selected for the buzzword award, and their activities have touched the hearts of many people and are engraved in their memories.

In the class, Mr. Arimori will proceed with the theme of "telling students the fun and wonder of the Olympics" based on his own experience.A dialogue with Kenji Fujiyama, editorial board member of Sports Nippon Shimbun, is also planned.

 This special class is a corporate collaboration between Jissen Women's University and Sports Nippon Shimbun, and will be held as part of the career education course "International Understanding and Career Development" for 2nd and 3rd grade students.Students participate from home through Zoom.

Professor Akihisa Fukasawa of the Department of National Literature, Faculty of Letters, who is in charge of the class, has been a member of the Culture and Education Committee of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee since 2015. "Tokyo 2020 had various hurdles (new national stadium construction, logo, new coronavirus, etc.), but what does this Olympic and Paralympic Games mean for athletes? While there are many discussions on the side, I would like Mr. Arimori to talk about the true appeal of the Olympics and Paralympics. "

reference:[Jissen Women's University] Yuko Arimori, a medalist from Barcelona and Atlanta, has a special class at Jissen Women's University — Don't lose to Corona!Message of support to college students and athletes — At Shibuya Campus on June 6 (Tuesday) (PDF)

Jissen Women's University

Practical education that fosters kindness and strength.To the power to support people and society

Jissen Women's University advocates the educational philosophy of "cultivating women who can be dignified and self-employed," and fosters independent women who have the ability to play an active role in society. We offer practical learning that suits the times at two campuses, "Shibuya in the city center" and "Hino, which is rich in nature."There are few exercises (seminars), experiments, practical training, etc. […]

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