The Japan Trade Union Confederation conducts a "Survey on the burden of education costs for parents of college and graduate students" and publishes the results of the survey in order to understand how much the education costs of children are putting pressure on households. Did. Approximately 8% of parents answered that "educational expenses for admission to university" and "educational expenses while attending university" are "heavy burdens". 33.5% of parents answered, "I couldn't fully fulfill my wishes," which is one in three.

 The survey on the burden of educational expenses for parents of college students and graduate students (research cooperation organization: Net Asia Co., Ltd.) was conducted on the Internet for three days from October 2015th to October 10th, 6.The subjects of the survey were parents of college or graduate students whose population is a monitor member of Net Asia Research, and 10 valid responses (8 fathers and 3 mothers) were collected.

 調査によると、大学入学前の1年間の学校外学習費(塾や予備校代など)の平均額は64.9万円、大学入学費用の平均は、受験料15.2万円、受験の交通・宿泊費5.0万円、入学料50.3万円、大学の年間授業料の平均は、国公立67.5万円、私立文系103.8万円、私立理系133.0万円 でした。また、一人暮らしをする大学生・院生の子どもにかかる生活費については、一人暮らしを始めるための費用が平均35.5万円、家賃(1ヶ月分)平均4.9万円、年間の仕送り額は平均93.2万円でした。

 Regarding the status of scholarship usage, 31.7% of university and graduate students are using the scholarship, and 200% of the students have an annual household income of 400 million yen to less than 61.5 million yen.The average total amount of borrowing (planned amount) until graduation of scholarship users who are obliged to repay is 301.8 yen, and more than 6% are "scholarships that are exempt from repayment (all or part) if they get a job locally". I also found that I was using.

Source: [Japan Trade Union Confederation] Survey on the burden of educational expenses on parents of college and graduate students

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