In the Tohoku University Library, 1848 handwritten notebooks of the German philosopher Windelband (1915-20) were found.Windelband is a central figure in the Neo-Kantian Southwestern German school and is known worldwide as a philosophical historian.Windelband's manuscript was burned down in the air raids of World War II and hardly remains in Germany, so it seems to be a very important material for researchers in the history of philosophy.

 According to Tohoku University, Windervand's manuscript was accidentally discovered in the underground library in May 2015 while conducting a database creation project for the library catalog.When Windelband was enrolled as a professor and examined the contents with the cooperation of Tohoku University and Heidelberg University, which has academic exchanges, it was confirmed that it was an autograph.
The contents of the notes can be seen as lecture notes and memos on philosophy, history of philosophy, and psychology, and drafts of writings.It was also found that these notebooks were purchased at a German bookstore for ¥ 1926 in 135 after World War I and brought to Tohoku University.

 Windelband was a professor at the universities of Zurich, Freiburg and Heidelberg.He has written many books on philosophy and history of philosophy, such as the translation and publication of "History of Tetsugaku" in 1902 in Japan, which greatly contributed to the development of philosophy.
Since 2015 is the 100th anniversary of his death, commemorative events have been held in various parts of Germany. Peter König, a professor at Heidelberg University, who was involved in the 3th anniversary symposium held at Heidelberg University in March, said, "It was a pity at the symposium that I didn't know anything about the manuscript, so a handwritten note was discovered in Japan. I am very pleased with the news. "

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