The Japan Student Services Organization conducts an annual "attribute survey on scholarship returnees" in order to understand the attributes of scholarship delinquents and non-delinquents and to use them for future scholarship collection measures.This time, we announced the results of the 2018 survey.

 The survey was conducted in January 2019.The subjects were those who were overdue for scholarship refund for 1 months or more at the end of November 2018 (delinquents) and those who were not overdue for scholarship refund (random samples). Responses were received from 11 delinquents and 3 non-delinquents.

 According to the survey, 90.1% of the non-delinquents were aware of the scholarship refund obligation, while 51.1% of the delinquents were aware of the application procedure. The result shows that it is not.In addition, among the delinquents, the total number of those who knew the obligation to return after the end of the loan was 20.1%, and more than half of them, 11.5%, answered that they knew "after receiving the delinquency reminder".

 The reason (trigger) for the start of delinquency was that "household income decreased" was the highest at 67.1%, followed by "household expenditure increased" at 39.5% and "because of hospitalization, accidents, disasters, etc." 18.1%. , "I was busy" followed by 14.1%.

 The reason for the continued delinquency was that "low income of the person" was the highest at 64.0%, followed by "increase in scholarship delinquency" at 39.9%.By gender, males had a higher proportion of "repayment of their own debt" than females, and females had a higher proportion of "spouse's financial difficulties" than males.

 The occupations of the scholarship students are "regular company (employee) / employee" 43.2%, "non-regular company (employee) employee / employee" 30.9%, and "unemployed / unemployed / on leave" 11.3%. On the other hand, among non-delinquent persons, 72.2% were "regular company (employees) / employees", 14.7% were "non-regular company (employees) / employees", and 4.0% were "unemployed / unemployed / on leave". It can be said that non-delinquents are in a more stable employment situation than delinquents.By gender, the ratio of “non-regular company (employees) / employees” among females who were overdue was particularly high at 40.7%.

 As for the resources for returning scholarships, both delinquents and non-delinquents have the highest "income earned by working such as salary", while the ratio of "pension" for delinquents is 8.4%, which is 1.0% of non-delinquents. It was expensive compared to.
When the main returnee was the "parent", the ratio of "pension" was 38.6%, which was higher than other returnees (scholarship student, spouse, etc.).

Reference: [Japan Student Services Organization] Attribute survey results regarding returnees of 30 scholarships

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