Professor Hirotsugu Shimazaki of the Faculty of Life Design, Toyo University (Minato-ku, Tokyo) collaborated with Victorinox Japan Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo) and the social welfare corporation Asakatanpopo-kai (Asaka City, Saitama Prefecture) to explain the significance of tool education. Launched "Thinking Industry-Academia-Company Collaboration Project" and practiced childcare using multifunctional knives from September 2015.The summary activity was held on January 9, 2016.

 According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, children's physical strength peaked around 1985 and declined.Furthermore, it has been pointed out that the number of clumsy children has increased, and the reason is that children's experience of using analog tools is decreasing at home and in the field of education.
Therefore, in this project, we introduced tools such as multifunction knives to educate 5-year-old children.We observe how it is related to hand usage and physical and mental development, and also track what kind of changes will occur in the safety awareness of nursery teachers and parents.

 In the summary activity on January 1, the children of the second Asakatanpopo nursery school tried to sharpen a pencil.As one of the achievements of the project, we showed parents how much children have become able to use multi-function knives.

 In addition, on November 2015, 11, the university also held a business trip class using the Victorinox multi-tool by the company.In the class of "Childcare Content Health" of the same department's Department of Child Support, the person in charge of the company will work on tool experience enlightenment for 24 third-year university students and the basics of the knife function of the multi-tool (Tinker for KIDS). Lecture on how to use it through a work experience.Under Professor Shimazaki's lecture, the students worked on the boo-boo whistle and buzzer while being aware of the feeling of thinking with the body.

Toyo University

Learn human power, basic power, and personal skills, and develop "global human resources" who will lead the next generation

1887 years have passed since Professor Enryo Inoue founded the "Private Philosophy School" in 20 (Meiji 137), and it is now one of Japan's leading comprehensive universities with 14 faculties and 51 departments and majors. We adhere to the founding principle of "philosophy is the foundation of all learning," and aim to encourage students to think things through deeply, establish their own way of life based on their own culture, and develop high ethical standards.

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