A research group led by Professor Hideki Takagi of the University of Tsukuba and Professor Satoshi Nakajima of the Tokyo Institute of Technology analyzed the optimal scratching method and mechanism of the crawl hand using the latest fluid measurement technology. It has become clear that there is a difference in the mechanism by which propulsion is generated between S-shaped strokes and I-shaped strokes.

 So far, Japan has won many medals in swimming.But why could the Japanese, who are inferior to overseas players in terms of physique and power, be able to fight evenly?On land, if you kick the ground hard, your body will be pushed forward from the ground with the same force.On the other hand, no matter how hard you water in water, if you do not scratch it well, the force that your body receives will be very weak.There is a possibility that the Japanese can win this watering technique.So what is the most efficient way to get propulsion?In particular, research on the S-shaped stroke and I-shaped stroke of the crawl has been continued for many years, but no conclusion has been reached yet.

 In order to approach this mystery, the group investigated the optimal swimming method by simulation considering the characteristics of the human body such as physique and muscle strength, and the flow of water.As a result, it became clear that the S-shaped stroke is suitable for efficiently obtaining propulsion with less muscle strength, and the I-shaped stroke is suitable for pursuing speed.Furthermore, when examining the actual flow of water around the arm using a swimming robot, it was found that propulsion is generated by different mechanisms between the S-shape and the I-shape.In the simple I-shape, the straight hand movement produces a large forward hydraulic force, while in the S-shape, when the direction of movement of the hand changes, a large diagonal force is momentarily received.

 According to the results of this research, the optimal swimming method varies greatly depending on the swimming distance.In addition, the detailed form may differ slightly depending on the individual's strength, endurance, and physique.In the future, we will proceed with research with the aim of finding the optimal swimming method after considering individual differences.

University of Tsukuba

Continue to challenge interdisciplinary fusion and internationalization, and develop human resources with intelligence and humanity

University of Tsukuba is the core of Tsukuba Science City, an international city with a high academic and cultural scent.The current education system is 9 groups, 23 classes, and it is possible to take specialized introductory courses from all fields, aiming to have creative intelligence and rich humanity.Solving global issues with soul genius […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology

The pinnacle of science and engineering university that continues to produce science and engineering people with high aspirations and a Japanese spirit, mastering the knowledge that creates the times, refining their skills

Tokyo Institute of Technology was established as the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1881 (Meiji 14), when modernization of industry was an urgent need.Since its establishment, it has continued to produce excellent research results with excellent science and engineering human resources, and is still at the top of Japan's science and engineering universities.Tokyo Institute of Technology requires not only a high degree of specialization but also liberal arts […]

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