Twenty-four 2020 winners were announced at the Clarivate Analytics Citation Honor Award, which is considered to be the gateway to the Nobel Prize. 24), Makoto Fujita (67), Professor Makoto Fujita of the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, was selected in the Chemistry Division.

 According to Clarivate Analytics, the Citation Honor Award is for scientists who have made significant contributions to the scientific field with more than 2,000 published papers, the same as the Nobel Prize in medicine / physiology, physics, chemistry, and economics. We select scientists who have a great influence in each field of science.

 Director Nakamura is an emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo and the University of Chicago, and was highly praised for his contribution to the development of individualized treatments tailored to each cancer patient by analyzing gene mutations.Professor Fujita also served as an outstanding professor at the Institute for Molecular Chemistry, National Institute of Natural Sciences, and attracted worldwide attention for his research on the mechanism by which molecules connect spontaneously.

 The Citation Honor Award has been awarded to 2002 people worldwide since 336, of which 54 have won the Nobel Prize.The probability of receiving the award is roughly one-sixth, and it is called the gateway to the Nobel Prize. The 6 Nobel Prize will be announced from October 1th.

reference:[Clarivate Analytics] Clarivate announces 2020 "Citation Honor Award" winners

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