In Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, local companies and universities collaborate to improve the local employment rate of new graduates of prefecture universities, and to develop, secure, and retain human resources, which is an urgent issue for SMEs. Information dissemination business (WISE Wise) "started. "WISE" is an abbreviation of "Work-style Information by Student's Eye", and students attending universities in Sendai City interview local companies from the perspective of students, and a new community-based employment information magazine and WEB. This is a project to create a site.
Local companies in the prefecture have many attractions in various initiatives such as business content and community-based social contributions, but their goodness is hardly known to students, and securing human resources is an issue.Students who choose a company also tend to be interested in major companies and companies in the metropolitan area that are listed on the employment site, and this project aims to have students rediscover the charm of local companies.
This project is a collaboration of 1 local universities, local companies, financial institutions, etc. that are participating in the "Regional Revitalization Promotion Project (COC +) * 12 by the base university of the region (knowledge)".In the interview activity, 34 university students became reporters, divided into 11 groups, visited local SMEs, and interviewed 63 companies.Summarizing the contents, we opened the website "WISE" on March 2016, 3.You can search for the company information you interviewed by industry, area, or company name, and you can also browse the introductions of student reporters.
In addition, on March 2016, 3, a "results presentation by student reporters and interview companies" was held at Tohoku Gakuin University (Tsuchitoi Campus).Explaining the project, presenting case studies of interview companies, introducing professional work tools, presenting impressions after interviews by companies, and commending excellent student articles.
* 1 A subsidized project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to implement initiatives that the region and the university consider necessary by matching regional issues (needs) with university resources (seeds).Universities utilize their own "knowledge" for regional revitalization and revitalization, and the region returns its own "educational power" to the university.It also aims to build an environment where universities, local governments, local companies, etc. can cooperate systematically and practically.