Gakujo Co., Ltd. conducts an internet questionnaire on job hunting for university and graduate students scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2022.This time, we investigated "characteristics of companies that think they are'stable'".3 valid responses.

 According to the survey, 64.0% of students answered that there was a change in the characteristics of companies that they thought were "stable" due to the corona disaster.As for the characteristics of companies that think that they are "stable" due to corona, "flexible work styles such as teleworking are possible" was the most common at 32.6%, followed by "developing multiple businesses" at 16.5% and "not restructuring employees". 15.5%, followed by "Business performance is growing" 11.3%.In job hunting, many students want to get a job at a major company because they are "stable", but only 4.1% answered that they are a major company.

 In addition, "If you can work flexibly, you can continue your business even in an emergency such as refraining from going out." "If you have developed multiple businesses, even if some businesses are affected by Corona, other businesses There are voices such as "I think it will be a risk hedge such as covering" and "Companies that do not cancel or restructuring can work with peace of mind", and touch on reports such as changes in working styles, cancellation of job offers, recruitment of early retirement applicants, etc. As a result, it is inferred that the points at which "stable" is felt have changed.

 When asked what they think is necessary for the "stability" of the working environment, "working in an environment where flexible working styles are possible" was followed by "acquiring skills" at 61.1%.Students said, "I want to improve my position in the company by acquiring skills and make it difficult to be restructured." "I want to increase the market value by acquiring skills."The result shows that he wants to acquire skills in order to "stabilize" his working environment.

Reference: [Gakujo Co., Ltd.] Asaku Navi 2022 For registered members 2022 graduate student employment awareness survey (characteristics of companies that think they are "stable") December 2020 version

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