Gakujo Co., Ltd. conducted an Internet questionnaire on "confidence and anxiety about job hunting" for university and graduate students scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2022. (3 valid responses)

 According to the survey, 74.6% of the students answered that they were "very anxious 21.1%" and "somewhat anxious 95.7%" about job hunting, and it was found that most of the students were anxious about job hunting. ..

 From the students, "I can't meet my friends because of the coronavirus, and I don't have the opportunity to consult." "The number of hires may decrease or the hurdles for hiring may rise due to the coronavirus." "Isn't the selection canceled or the number of hires reduced?" "Since most of the internships were held online, I haven't had the experience of speaking in real life."It is presumed that many students are worried about the job hunting activities of Corona, because there are some parts that cannot be seen ahead and some parts that are difficult to communicate in real life.

 The most anxious point about job hunting was "Can I get a job offer (unofficial job offer) for the company I want to work for?" At 74.4%.This was followed by "Can I get one or more unofficial offers (unofficial offer)? 1%" and "Can I find a company I want to work for? 71.2%". "Can you convey your enthusiasm and your thoughts in a web interview? 63.1%" exceeded "Can you convey your enthusiasm and your thoughts in a real interview 53.4%" by 46.2 points.

 When asked whether they are confident in the online or real interview format, 35.3% answered "real" or "relatively real", and 33.4% answered "online" or "relatively online". Slightly more students said they were confident in "real" interviews.

 From the students who answered "real", "real is easier to convey enthusiasm" "real, I think that talking with the eyes of the interviewer can convey the feeling of wanting to join the company" "real" I think you can feel the atmosphere of the company. "On the other hand, some students who answered "online" said, "I have only experienced internships online." "I have been online for the past year, so I am worried about talking in real life." Was raised.

Reference: [Gakujo Co., Ltd.] Asaku Navi 2022 For registered members 2022 graduate student employment awareness survey (confidence and anxiety about job hunting) March 2021 version

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