In April 2021, Kanagawa University opened the Minatomirai Campus, where about 4 students study.This is the first time that a university campus has been opened in the Minato Mirai 5000 district.

 The Minatomirai Campus, which has 21 floors above ground and 1 floor below ground, is attended by approximately 3 students from three global faculties: the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and the Faculty of International Japanese Studies.Minatomirai is an area like a "microcosm of internationalization" where global companies are concentrated, and there are many cultural facilities such as museums and theaters.Kanagawa University was established to encourage students to feel the history and culture of the entire city as a large campus and to learn a lot from their own education and research in collaboration with international companies and regions.

 Reflecting that idea on campus, not only students and faculty members, but also office workers, foreigners, neighbors, and all other "people" gather and "knowledge" interacts to create new value and innovation. "Social Commons" was set up for the purpose of becoming a place to be played.The "Global Lounge," which offers language learning for students and cross-cultural experience events for citizens, and the "Extension Center," which offers more than 100 public lectures on business-related, language, cultural education, and qualification acquisition, for the first time at a Japanese university It is equipped with a "library" that has introduced a system that allows you to rent out materials from a smartphone app.

 In addition, "Learning Commons" is a "Social Collaboration Center" that promotes open innovation with companies and governments by taking advantage of the characteristics of the Minato Mirai district where companies, international organizations, government offices, cultural facilities, etc. gather, and various activities that encourage students' autonomous learning. Use it as a place for learning.

 In September 2018, President Yoshio Kaneko realized the declaration of diversity, and in addition to installing unisex toilets on the 9st to 1st floors and 21 locations on all floors, halal food in kitchen cars and places of worship have also been placed. There is.

Reference: Kanagawa University Minatomirai Campus

Kanagawa University

Aiming for a new leap in education and research from a global perspective toward the 100th anniversary of our founding

Kanagawa University was founded in 1928. Based on the founding spirit of "simple and strong, proactive, and fair," the university aims to cultivate people who can grow on their own, aiming for true practical learning. In April 2021, the Minato Mirai Campus, which brings together the Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Foreign Languages, and Faculty of International Japanese Studies to cultivate global human resources, will be completed. 4[…]

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