A kick-off symposium will be held in Tokyo on September 2016, 9 to show the whole picture of the Cabinet Office's innovative R & D promotion program "Ultra Big Data Platform to Reduce Social Risks" led by Professor Hiroshi Harada of Kyoto University Graduate School. Will be done.

 This program combines ultra-wide area wireless integrated network technology researched and developed by Professor Hiroshi Harada of the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, and ultra-high-speed big data processing technology of Professor Masaru Kitsuregawa of the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo. , To build a "super big data platform" that far surpasses the current processing of big data.

 Using this platform, led by President Ryozo Nagai of Jichi Medical University, we will build "health security" that will help extend healthy life expectancy and reduce medical costs by utilizing public medical data and continuous measurement data, and Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Institute We will take on the challenge of social applications such as the realization of "factory security" that supports productivity and profit improvement while preventing cyber attacks on factories centered on places.

 At the kick-off meeting scheduled to be held in September, each project in the program will be introduced, and the position, issues, and future of the program will be discussed in a panel discussion.

 The venue is Bellesall Jimbocho Annex 14F Hall.The holding time is from 00:18 to 00:300.There is no membership fee.Capacity XNUMX people.

Reference: [National Research and Development, Japan Science and Technology Agency] "Ultra Big Data Platform to Reduce Social Risks" Kick-off Symposium

Tokyo University

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