From the 2016 National Center Test for University Admissions, all subjects and subjects will be based on the new curriculum.It became clear in the examination guide announced by the National Center for University Entrance Examinations.No transitional measures will be taken for those who have taken the old curriculum.

Center test, all subjects are set from the new curriculumAccording to the exam guide, questions based on the new curriculum were limited to mathematics and science in 2015. From 2016, Japanese language, geography history, civilian language, and foreign languages ​​will be added, and all subjects and subjects will be set from the new curriculum.The national language covers the content of "Kokugo Sogo", and questions from modern times, ancient sentences, and Chinese sentences are given."Ethics, politics / economy" of the public is a range of questions that integrates "ethics" and "politics / economy".For English, the scope of questions is "Communication English I", "Communication English II", and "English Expression I".
However, only the basics of industrial mathematics will be a subject for those who have taken the old curriculum, and the questions will be given according to the examination time and points as before. Due to the measures limited to the 2016 entrance examination, new curriculum students will not be able to select the industrial mathematics foundation.

The exam is scheduled for January 2016, 1 for Geographical History / Civilian, Japanese, Foreign Languages, and 16th for Science and Mathematics.Examination information will be distributed from September 17st.The application period is from September 9th to October 1th, and the postmark is valid on the 9th.If you have a physical disability and wish to take the examination into consideration, you can apply before application from August 29rd to September 10th.Examination information can be viewed on the homepage of the National Center for University Entrance Examinations.

Source:[University Entrance Examination Center] 28 University Entrance Examination Center Examination Information, etc.

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