Chiba University of Commerce, International Christian University, Wayo Women's University, Sacred Heart Women's University, Tokyo Foreign Language University, Nagano Prefectural University, Sophia University, Hiroshima University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, June 2021, 6, "Renewable Energy University League" Was established.Aim to decarbonize by controlling the environmental load associated with university activities through the utilization of natural energy.

 Creating a sustainable society is a common mission for universities that are required to contribute to society as well as education and research as a higher education institution.Therefore, in the "Renewable Energy University League", university organizations in Japan, faculty members / students of universities, and related persons who have knowledge, etc., share knowledge, network, mutual study, human resource development, and exchange with overseas universities. In order to promote the utilization of natural energy and increase the number of universities aiming for 100% natural energy, we will widely call for the purpose of its establishment in Japan and overseas.

 By utilizing and researching the abundant renewable energy resources that exist in Japan with the aim of achieving the goals of the participating universities, it is possible to transform society into a regional decentralized energy supply system.In addition, the cooperation of universities with the same intention will affect other entities such as companies, local governments, public institutions, and NGOs, and each entity that constitutes society will work toward a sustainable decarbonized society. By doing so, I believe that society will change.

 Furthermore, through the process of achieving 100% renewable energy at each participating university, we aim to develop human resources who will lead a sustainable decarbonized society and contribute to solving global issues.

 At the founding general meeting held on June 6, the presidents of nine universities (one acting attendant) who will be the founding members attended and talked about their expectations for the league and their enthusiasm for a 7% renewable energy university.

 The founding members of the "Renewable Energy University League" are: Representative Caretaker: Yukihiko Harashina (President of Chiba University of Commerce), Caretaker: Shoichiro Iwakiri (President of International Christian University), Koji Kishida (President of Wayo Women's University), Toshiaki Takaso (Sacred Heart Women's University) President), Kayoko Hayashi (President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), Kazumasumi Kaneda (President of Nagano Prefectural University), Yoshiaki Sodo (President of Sophia University), Mitsuo Ochi (President of Hiroshima University), Yujiro Tanaka (President of Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

Reference: [Chiba University of Commerce] The "Renewable Energy University League" was established with the President of the Science of Hara acting as the representative caretaker.

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