List of articles on research results
Tohoku University reveals eight "zest for life" in the event of a disaster
Wind and flood damage caused by huge earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic disasters, and ever-increasing extreme weather. What kind of power is needed to survive a disaster in Japan, a “disaster powerhouse” […]
Identifying proteins involved in rheumatoid arthritis
A group of Professor Yoichiro Iwakura of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science has elucidated a new mechanism for the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. […]
Established a research center using algae as an energy resource, University of Tsukuba
Amid calls for global warming and various climate changes that accompany it, fossil fuels are replaced in order to curb the generation of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas […].
Appointed new dean from Berlitz Kinki University Faculty of International Studies
Kinki University (Higashi-Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture) plans to open the 2016th new faculty, "Faculty of International Studies," on the Higashi-Osaka Campus in April 4. 14 […]
Tohoku University et al. Launched human resources development program for medical device development
On June 6, Tohoku University signed a partnership agreement with Stanford University in the United States with Osaka University and the University of Tokyo on a biodesign program […].
Rohto Pharmaceutical establishes regenerative medicine research center in Ryukyu University
Rohto Pharmaceutical built a regenerative medicine research center in Ryukyu University and donated it.Has the ability to differentiate into various types of cells called stem cells […]
Ability of meteor observation camera "Meteor"
On June 2015, 6, the launch of the American unmanned transport rocket Falcon 28 resulted in an explosion in the air.Chiba Ko […]
Practical education that is also valid in Antarctica
The 55th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, which had been dispatched to Syowa Station, has returned to Japan after completing its mission until March this year.This time, KDDI stock […]
Myoelectric sensor to print on sportswear
Professor Takao Someya and his colleagues at the University of Tokyo's Graduate School have developed a new type of conductive ink in a strategic research promotion project promoted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry subsidizes 17 universities for human resources development in the service industry
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has a human resources development course to become a manager of service industries such as retail, long-term care, and tourism, such as Keio University (Tokyo) and Kwansei Gakuin University (Hyogo Prefecture) […]