Entrance exams are always in motion, such as adjusting scores in the common university entrance exam.No one knows when an unforeseen situation will arise for a student.If you get infected with the new coronavirus or influenza just before the entrance exam for your desired school, you will not be able to take the final exam.In the past, people who contracted the disease just before entrance examinations were treated as mere bad luck, but now many universities conduct supplementary examinations.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has published a summary of the status of each university's response to supplementary examinations in response to the novel coronavirus infection on the following website.Checking the status of supplementary exams at your desired school is also necessary as a preparation in case something happens.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology university entrance examination information site https://www.mext.go.jp/nyushi/index.htm



There are many make-up exams at national and public universities, and there are many make-up exams at private universities.

On the website published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the status of measures such as supplementary examinations for individual academic achievement tests due to measures against new coronavirus infectious diseases is aggregated by national, public and private universities.Looking at it, of course, "no response" is XNUMX.Universities are expected to do something about it.

 There are two ways to deal with this problem. One is to conduct a supplementary examination.About 98% of both national and public universities are said to implement this.Of course, about half of the private universities are preparing to conduct supplementary examinations.Another method is to transfer the test to another date without collecting additional test fees.

 About 90% of private universities use this method.Many private universities have originally set multiple entrance examination methods and schedules, so this method can be said to be the most popular method.National and public universities only have first and second semester schedules, and only some public universities offer mid-term semester schedules.Even if there are many national and public universities, there are only these three dates, so it would be difficult to take the transfer exam to another date.

 Moreover, there are national universities that only hold the first semester schedule.All you have to do is to see what the school of your choice plans to do, so it's a good idea to check now.


Subjects for make-up examinations are not limited to those affected by the new coronavirus infection

 I would like students to know that the subjects of the supplementary examination are not limited to those who are infected with the new coronavirus infection or those who have been in close contact with them.It is conceivable that the response to this issue may differ depending on the university, but according to the website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the target audience is "examinees who have had a fever, cough, etc. You can think of it as possible.

 In addition, we have requested that the university not require certificates such as test results, on the grounds of avoiding the strain on the work of medical institutions.In order to prevent the university from asking the examinee to request various certificates such as medical certificates from the medical institution, we are asking the university to make a self-declaration from the examinee.

 Therefore, students who have symptoms such as fever and cough do not have to force themselves to receive a medical certificate even if they are not feeling well.Don't give up on taking the exam just because you can't get a medical certificate.Most university people are almost like students.However, there are rare cases where the notification from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is not seen, so in that case please tell them that each university will make a decision based on self-declaration by the applicant.

 In the case of a new coronavirus infection, if an asymptomatic person who has been in close contact with someone is traveling to take the exam and does not have a private car, they will use a taxi instead of public transportation.At that time, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has set up a consultation desk for those who cannot make an appointment by themselves.It is surprising that the central government office will respond so far, but I am very grateful.
詳 し く → https://www.mext.go.jp/nyushi/mext_00003.html


In the past, there have been additional tests due to new strains of influenza, heavy snow, etc.

 In recent years, make-up exams have become the norm, but in the past, this was not the case.I think the reason for this change was the response to the new influenza virus in the 2010 entrance examination.

 At this time, the date of the make-up exam for the National Center Test for University Admissions, the predecessor of the current university entrance standardized test, was changed from one week after the main exam to two weeks after the regular exam.In addition, the test venue was planned to be XNUMX venues nationwide, but venues have been set up in all prefectures.It is almost the same as the current university entrance common test.

 Individual exams at each university were also prepared for supplementary exams.At this time, many private universities also responded with transfer exams.However, it is assumed that there may not be an entrance examination schedule to take the transfer examination in the latter half of the entrance examination period.I believe that this was the first time that a university offered a refund of the examination fees already paid to applicants who were unable to take the examination.

 In the past, tuition fees and examination fees once paid to universities were not returned due to the circumstances of the applicant, except in special cases.For that reason, I clearly remember that Ritsumeikan University was the first to issue refunds of examination fees.In the end, this year we finished the entrance exam without any major confusion.

 In addition, after the 2014 entrance exams were disrupted by heavy snowfall in the Tokyo metropolitan area, several private universities conducted supplementary exams.It was mid-February, and the schedule for the entrance exams of major private universities such as MARCH coincided with a heavy snowfall.

 Some test sites were located in the suburbs and had no means of transportation other than buses.At a large private university with a large number of applicants, no matter how many taxis there were, it was not enough, and it was really hard for both applicants and the university.



Consideration is also given to ensure that make-up exams and transfer exams are not disadvantageous

 Although it is true that making up exams and making up exams are very welcome from the standpoint of securing opportunities for exam takers, there were also disadvantages for examinees in the past.Many universities announce the number of successful applicants in the final exam, the so-called main entrance exam held from early February for private universities.A large number of successful applicants naturally means a large number of applicants.

 If the number of applicants increases and the number of applicants fills up, the university will be afraid that the number of applicants will exceed the capacity, and even if there are applicants for supplementary examinations, they will not be able to produce successful applicants.This is because there are penalties such as reduction of subsidies if the rate of enrollment exceeds the standard.Therefore, compared to the main exam, the minimum passing score was higher than the standard for passing the exam, and although there was an opportunity to take the exam, the hurdles to pass were actually high and there were cases where it was difficult to pass.

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is giving consideration to this point as well.Notify the university not to include the number of students enrolled due to make-up examinations or make-up examinations when calculating the over-enrollment rate, which indicates how many students are enrolled relative to the admission capacity. I'm here.

 As a result, even if each university has already filled its enrollment capacity and cannot produce any more successful applicants, it will be possible to make pass/fail decisions without forcibly raising the pass mark of applicants for make-up or transfer examinations. can do.In this way, each institution is making efforts to ensure that students have the opportunity to take the exam.It's just that the students don't have to take advantage of this opportunity, but in fact, the university is also really grateful.

Satoru Kobe (educational journalist)

Education Journalist/University Entrance Examination Writer/Researcher
After joining Kawaijuku Educational School in 1985, he has been engaged in collecting and disseminating university entrance examination information for over XNUMX years, and is also in charge of editing the monthly magazine "Guideline".
After retiring from Kawaijuku in 2007, he has been engaged in entrance examination work such as pass / fail judgment and entrance examination system design at a university in Tokyo, and is also in charge of student recruitment and public relations work.
After retiring from university in 2015, he worked as a writer and editor for Asahi Shimbun Publishing's "University Ranking" and Kawaijuku's "Guideline", and also contributed to Nihon Keizai Shimbun and Mainichi Newspapers.After that, he worked for a national research and development agency, and since 2016 has been consulting to support various issues at universities. KEI Advanced (Kawaijuku Group) conducts simulations and market trend surveys using entrance examination data, as well as formulating future concepts and medium-term plans, establishing new faculties, and supporting the design of entrance examination systems.
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