Toyo University article list
Kanda University of International Studies, Toyo University, Hosei University, Meiji University joint event for high school students who want to be global
Kanda University of International Studies, Toyo University, Hosei University, and Meiji University will start at 2020:9 on September 10, 19, with high school students, parents, high school teachers, and private schools nationwide […]
Established a student group with the aim of improving the soundness of the campus contest
Advertising study groups and student groups such as Aoyama Gakuin University, Chuo University, and the University of Tokyo have announced that "Campus Con [...]" will be held for the purpose of improving the soundness of the campus contest.
Toyo University 2024 Moved Faculty of Life Science and Faculty of Food Environment Science from Itakura Campus
Toyo University announced a large-scale campus relocation plan in April 2024.Faculty of Life Science ([…]) on Itakura Campus, Itakura-cho, Ora-gun, Gunma Prefecture
Announcement of winning works from 6 entries of "Hundred People Isshu of Contemporary Students" sponsored by Toyo University
Toyo University announced the 33rd Toyo University-sponsored "Hundred People Isshu of Contemporary Students" with 100 winning works and 10 elementary school students' winning works.Domestic […]
Taisho University, Daito Bunka University, and Toyo University jointly hold an entrance examination study group for preparatory schools
Taisho University will hold a university entrance examination study group for cram schools and preparatory schools jointly with Daito Bunka University and Toyo University on October 2019, 10 […]
Toyo University Announces 2019 Women's Advancement Index Corporate Ranking
The Toyo University Diversity Research Group established "Women's Advancement […]" in 2017 as an index to objectively evaluate the success of women in companies and organizations.
Western music karaoke lyrics "Nippon Glish" improves English pronunciation Toyo University
Professor Eiichi Yufune of the Faculty of Informatics of Toyo University and Daiichi Kosho Co., Ltd. conducted a "Survey on Improving English Pronunciation by Singing Western Music Karaoke".Kara […]
Toyo University independently evaluates women's active companies, and Token Corporation is ranked first
The Diversity Research Group of the Toyo University Human Value Study Group uses a unique index that objectively evaluates the active participation of women in companies and organizations.
Kadokawa Dwango Gakuen N High School Announces 2018 University Pass Results
Kadokawa Dwango Gakuen "N High School", which utilizes the Internet and correspondence high school system, has passed the university entrance exam in 2018 […]
Toyo University introduces web conferencing system for entrance examination consultation
Toyo University is at home with the aim of eliminating the "information gap" among examinees living overseas or in remote areas where it is difficult to participate in open campuses. […]