Energy article list

A gear that can be driven in reverse even with a reduction ratio of 100: 1, developed by Yokohama National University, etc.

 New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and Yokohama National University have dramatically improved power transmission efficiency by optimizing the components of the reducer […]

Achieved a net maximum thermal efficiency of over 50% for both gasoline and diesel engines

 Keio University, Kyoto University, and Waseda University have achieved a net maximum thermal efficiency of 50% for both gasoline and diesel engines for passenger cars […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology discovers a new catalyst that can capture dilute carbon dioxide and recycle it

 A research team led by Assistant Professor Kei Kumagai of Tokyo Institute of Technology found that the complex of rhenium (Re), which has the function of collecting carbon dioxide (CO2), has a low concentration […].

Mimicking particle collisions during planet formation in a micro-gravity environment using a falling tower of only 1.5 m

 Hiromitsu Katsuragi, Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, conducted a joint research with Braunschweig Institute of Technology in Germany, and under microgravity, powder […]

Direct synthesis of aircraft jet fuel New "on-demand catalyst" developed by Toyama University

 Professor Noritate Tsubaki of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, National Institute for Materials Science, and Xiamen University in China jointly collaborate with Fischer-Tropsch (F […]].

Discovered the dry juice sex-determining gene of sugar / ethanol production crop "Solgam", University of Tokyo, etc.

 Research groups such as the University of Tokyo have succeeded in isolating the dry sex-determining gene of sorghum, one of the world's five largest grains, for the first time in the world.difference […]

Producing hydrogen from protein and light energy Osaka City University and Tokyo Institute of Technology

 A joint research group of Osaka City University and Tokyo Institute of Technology is a photocatalytic system that can produce hydrogen using protein derived from chicken eggs and light energy […]

Demonstrate the theory of 1 times the thermoelectric conversion efficiency of electrodes connected by a single molecule Osaka University

 The research group of Associate Professor Tsutsui and Professor Taniguchi of the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University is the shadow of the electrode-molecular contact structure in the thermoelectric conversion performance of single molecular elements […].

Thermoelectromotive force is determined by the thermal expansion of the material, discovery of promising electrode materials University of Tsukuba

 Professor Hiroshi Moritomo's research group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Materials Science, University of Tsukuba is a low-cost battery material, a cobalt-purchamp blue analog (Li […]].

Kyushu University Develops Platinum-Free High-Efficiency Battery Catalyst

 Professor Naotoshi Nakajima, Associate Professor Takehiko Fujigaya, Jun Yang […], Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University / International Research Institute for Carbon Neutral Energy