Communication article list

The University of Tokyo discovers that great tits use their wings as a "please go first" gesture.

 A research group led by Associate Professor Toshiki Suzuki of the University of Tokyo has discovered that the great tit, a type of wild bird, uses wing movements as gestures to send specific messages […]

The presence of a friend right in front of you reduces heart rate, research by Waseda University

 A research group led by Waseda University's Junior Researcher Kaei Mukai and Professor Katsumi Watanabe found that when a close friend is right in front of you (in your personal space), […]

Can children read the facial expressions of people wearing masks?Verification by Shizuoka University and Kio University

 A research group at Shizuoka University and Kio University investigated how much 3- to 5-year-olds can read the emotions of a person whose face is partly hidden by a mask or sunglasses […]

A new classroom building "Building No. 14 LECRO" has opened on the Koshigaya Campus of Bunkyo University!Challenge to revitalize new communication

Bunkyo University will celebrate its 2026th anniversary in 60. In 2021, the new “Tokyo Adachi Campus” will be opened in Adachi-ku, Tokyo, where the Faculty of International Studies, […]

The University of Tokyo elucidates the characteristics of the subjectivity of action, in which the personality of the voice determines the subjectivity of the utterance.

 The feeling that "the subject doing this act is oneself" is called the sense of subjectivity.Ryu Ohata, a specially appointed researcher at the University of Tokyo (at the time of research) and others […]

"Media x International" is the keyword Acquire practical intelligence in a curriculum that emphasizes output

From 2022, the Faculty of Communication Studies, Tokyo Keizai University has become a two-department system, the Department of Media Sociology and the Department of International Communication.child […]

Psychology: Videophone interaction has been demonstrated to reduce creativity

Psychology: Video calls are shown to reduce creativity […]