Bio article list

Succeeded in chemically synthesizing sugar that can be eaten by living things. Advantages include high speed, low environmental impact, and on-site production.

 A joint research group between Osaka University and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology is the first in the world to succeed in building a catalytic process for chemically synthesizing bioavailable sugars […]

Nippon Institute of Technology holds "Chemistry / Environment / Bioscience School" for junior and senior high school students

 At the Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Fundamental Engineering, Nippon Institute of Technology, you can experience experiments unique to the department of chemistry, environment, and biotechnology for high school and junior high school students […]

Developed by Yamaguchi University, a high school science teaching material aimed at understanding advanced biotechnology

 At the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamaguchi University, a teaching material kit "Kun [...]" that allows you to observe gene transfer and gene expression into animal cells, which is the core technology of cutting-edge bio-research.

Kick-off rally from garbage to the Tokyo Olympic torch at Tohoku University Tokyo Branch

 "Let's make a torch together!" The executive committee kicked off on Saturday, May 2017, 5 at the Tohoku University Tokyo Branch in Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo […]

World's first transparent memory element production, PC transparency Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, etc.

 Professor Tatsuo Kaneko and his colleagues at the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, are cinnamon produced using microorganisms […]

Developed the world's strongest bio-transparent resin University of Tsukuba

 The research group of the University of Tsukuba and the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology is a bioplasty made from cinnamon made from genetically modified microorganisms […]

The University of Tokyo Develops World's Fastest Molecular Discrimination Method Accelerates Bio-Research

Assistant Professor Takuro Ideguchi and Professor Keisuke Goda of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science have developed a vibration spectroscopy method that discriminates the type of molecule at the highest speed in the world. […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology Discovered a new mechanism to control plant growth and nutritional response

The research group of Associate Professor Shinji Masuda of the Institute for Global Life Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology Bio-Research Infrastructure Support Center, found that chlorophyll is the growth and nutritional response of plants […]