Article list of arteriosclerosis

University of Tsukuba elucidates the mechanism by which eating natto suppresses arteriosclerosis

 Professor Yuji Hiramatsu of the University of Tsukuba School of Medicine, Ken Kawamata, a graduate student, and a joint research group from natto manufacturer Takano Foods have found that eating natto can increase intestinal bacteria […]

Down's syndrome-related gene protects corneal opacity due to aging, discovered by Kumamoto University

 A research group led by Professor Kei Minami of the Kumamoto University Life Resources Research and Support Center has added a model mouse for Down's syndrome and hypercholesterolemia […].

"Meaning and purpose in life" suppresses the onset of cardiovascular disease, analyzed by Juntendo University

 Data from a large-scale survey of civil servants working in London, England, by a research group led by Associate Professor Ai Noda and Professor Takeshi Tanigawa of Juntendo University School of Medicine […]