Dental article list

Using dentures improves protein intake by 8%, research analysis by Tohoku University

 A research group at Tohoku University has found that even people who have lost many teeth can improve their protein intake by using prosthetic devices such as dentures […]

Meikai University - While keeping tuition as low as possible for a dental school, enriching learning through small group system, overseas training, Japan's first postgraduate training, etc., becoming a dentist with high clinical ability

As a comprehensive university with 6 faculties and 8 departments, we aim to “cultivate promising human resources who can acquire sociability, creativity, and rationality, and who can play an active role in the international future society” […]

Pediatric dental treatment, proposal of safe dosage of local anesthetic, Kyushu University, etc.

 A research group led by Gaku Hitosugi, a lecturer at Kyushu University Graduate School of Dentistry, and Ryo Sasaki, a lecturer at Tokyo Women's Medical University Dental and Oral Surgery, has been conducting local […]

Tohoku University reports the possibility that resin coverings can be applied to all teeth instead of metal

 Metal tooth coverings used in dental treatment have problems such as metal allergies and deterioration of aesthetics.Also, recently, due to the soaring prices of precious metals […]

Tohoku University elucidates the mechanism of accelerated orthodontic treatment by making a hole in the alveolar bone to promote movement

 A research group led by Ria Kaneshiro, a graduate student at Tohoku University, found that by making a small hole in the alveolar bone of a model mouse, the induced tissue metabolism was […].

Dementia affected by tooth loss, male interaction with humans, female intake of fruits and vegetables, Tohoku University survey

 A research group led by Professor Ken Kosaka of Tohoku University found a significant association between tooth loss and the onset of dementia, and the association was a friend […].

Elucidation of the mechanism by which dental metal treatment containing palladium induces allergies

 Research groups at Tohoku University and Sapporo Medical University have clarified the mechanism of metal allergy induction by palladium used in dental treatment.

"Green" Tea Drinkers Leave Many Teeth with Many Friends Tohoku University Surveys 2.4 Elderly People

 Since green tea contains catechins and fluorine, it has been pointed out that it has the potential to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease and prevent tooth loss. […]

“Muscle teeth” that are likely to increase during college days Okayama University analyzes bacterial flora by follow-up survey

 When Okayama University focused on the increase in dental caries in university students and analyzed the relationship between the bacterial flora contained in saliva and the increase in dental caries, the number of dental caries increased […].

Innovative technology developed by Tohoku University that can be expected to improve the stability of dentures and periodontal disease

 A group of Professor Shinji Kamakura of Tohoku University improved the method of producing biomaterials for bone formation performed in dental treatment, etc., and made bones using only biomaterials […]
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