List of articles on physics

Why do adults slide faster on slides?Clarified in Graduation Research Rikkyo University

 When parents and children play on slides together, they often find that adults slide faster than children.Similarly, skis and bicycles are “heavy […]

Physics complex among 1st-year college girls significantly decreased, surveyed by Keio University

 A research group led by Professor Hiromitsu Kobayashi of Keio University conducted a questionnaire survey on scientific terminology, etc., mainly for first-year students at the university, […]

Physics: Lower neutrino mass limit ever

Physics: Smallest neutrino mass recorded Anti-electron, one of the elementary particles […]

Psychology: Many adults do not correctly recognize their BMI and body size

Psychology: Many adults inaccurately perceive their own BMI […]

Physics: An Urgent Problem for Fusion Reactors

Physics: Burning issues in nuclear fusion Self of matter in plasma state […]

New model explaining male image of mathematics and physics, verified by the University of Tokyo etc.

 The research groups of the University of Tokyo, NIRA Research and Development Organization, Shiga University, and Nagoya University, led by Professor Hiromi Yokoyama of the University of Tokyo, are rooted in Japan […]

Aoyama Gakuin University Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Physics and Mathematics has been reorganized into "Department of Physical Sciences" and "Department of Mathematical Sciences"

 In April 2021, Aoyama Gakuin University will reorganize the Department of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology into two departments, "Department of Physical Science" and "Department of Mathematical Science".

The "flow" of developing neurons creates a spacious cerebral cortex Nagoya University

 A research group at Nagoya University observed the state of cells during the embryonic period of mice, and made "cell collection [...]" as if the flow of a river brought about the expansion of the land.

Theoretical method for deriving the quantization energy of solid electrons by a magnetic field Developed by the University of Electro-Communications

 For the first time, a research group at the University of Electro-Communications has succeeded in rigorously determining the energy of solid-state electrons quantized by a magnetic field.

The University of Tokyo holds a public lecture on the Faculty of Science on March 3, welcomes the participation of high school and university students

 The University of Tokyo, on Thursday, March 2019, 3, entitled "The 28st Open Lecture of the Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo-Understanding the Mysteries of Life with Science", is open to the public […]