Article list of science students

Ashinaga and Mitsubishi UFJ to Create Benefit-Type Scholarships for Senior High School Students and Science College Students Aiming to Advance to Higher Education

 Ashinaga and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group have announced a non-repayment program for third-year high school students who are aiming to enter university and students in science departments […]

The unofficial decision rate of science students is remarkable, and the academic situation investigates the unofficial decision rate of 2023 graduate students.

 2023 undergraduate and graduate students (valid responses) scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 3 at Gakujo Gakugaku Navi Co., Ltd.

The results of entrance examinations by faculty system differ in popularity among "almost high school students" and "high school students".

Looking at the results of the 2021 entrance examination by faculty system, there are some faculty systems such as pharmacy that have more applicants than the previous year, but private universities […]

Obtained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in integrated education for 5 years in science, Utsunomiya University

 A new course that allows you to obtain both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in a consistent five-year program will appear at Utsunomiya University from April 5.University […]

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has a policy to establish a new council for bridging the role of securing human resources for science and engineering.

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) is discussing measures to secure the quality and quantity of science and engineering human resources at the Human Resources Supply and Demand Working Group held jointly with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry […]

Recommended!Science! In 2045, computers will surpass humanity.Youth, run now!

According to Moore's Law, which predicts the improvement of computer performance, for example, in integrated circuits, it is possible to load twice as many circuits in the same area in one year […].