COC + R article list

Exploring the role of "regional zero carbon" for regional creation

 Workshop 2 is Okayama Prefectural University […], which is working on regional zero-carbon with Professor Shinshu University and Professor Mita Nakajima as facilitator.

Reiwa 3rd COC + R National Symposium “Producing” human resources from universities is the key to regional revitalization

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "University-based Regional Revitalization Human Resources Education Program Construction Project (COC + R)", the national symposium for the 3rd year of Reiwa, will be held in 2022 […]

If you personalize local issues, you can see what you want to do.

"ENGINE" is a community creation human resources development program in collaboration with Shinshu University, Toyama University, and Kanazawa University.I heard the voices of the three participating universities, but the first […]

I would like to expect growth as a person at the same time as developing new leaders.

A completely new course program "ENGINE" by three universities in the Hokuriku Shinkansen area, such as Shinshu University, Toyama University, and Kanazawa University.various […]

Regional update through collaboration, breakthrough, and innovation ── This is the power to create the next generation that you can acquire with ENGINE

Shinshu University, Toyama University, Kanazawa University's new next-generation human resources development program "ENGINE".It is the driving force of the new "wide-area regional revitalization" […]

"University-based Regional Revitalization Human Resources Education Program Construction Project" Kick-off Symposium

Reiwa XNUMXnd year Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology project "University-based regional revitalization human resources education program construction project" kick-off symposium Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology project "To the university [...]