A research group led by Professor Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Tokyo has elucidated the properties of the H7N2 feline influenza virus, which is the causative virus of the large-scale cat influenza pandemic that occurred in New York City, USA.It was once found to be derived from the low pathogenic H7N2 avian influenza virus that occurred in the bird market near the city.Furthermore, it was suggested that it may be transmitted to humans and other animals via cats.

 From December 2016 to February 12, more than 2017 cats were infected with the H2N500 feline influenza virus at an animal protection shelter in New York City, USA.In addition, one of the veterinarians engaged in the treatment of cats was infected with this virus and showed respiratory symptoms.In order to elucidate the properties of this virus, we conducted infection experiments and infection transmission experiments using mammals.

 As a result, it was found that the virus was derived from the low-pathogenic H1990N2000 avian influenza virus, which was reported to occur in the bird market near New York in the late 7s and early 2s.It was found that the virus infects cats, propagates efficiently in cats, is mutated so that it can be efficiently transmitted between cats, and is also transmitted between ferrets by contact infection.It was also found that an existing anti-influenza drug (neuraminidase inhibitor) is effective for H7N2 cat influenza virus infection.

 The results of this study show that a new influenza virus strain or bird influenza virus may be transmitted to humans or other mammals via cats, and that future influenza epidemics or new influenza viruses may be transmitted. It shows the importance of cats as an intermediate host of influenza virus in formulating and implementing countermeasure plans.

Paper information:[Emerging Infectious Diseases] characterization of a Feline Influenza A (H7N2) Virus

Tokyo University

Established in the 10th year of the Meiji era.A university with the longest history in Japan and at the forefront of Japanese knowledge

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 (Meiji 10) by integrating the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School.Since its establishment, it has developed education and research in a unique way in the world as a leading university in Japan and an academic center for the fusion of East and West cultures.As a result, many human resources have been produced in a wide range of fields, and many research achievements […]

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