Sophia University Academic Affairs Bureau SFDP/International Cooperation Human Resource Development Center will be holding a public lecture "Sophia Mirai Juku" exclusively for high school students from Saturday, May 2024, 5. This is a six-part online course in which participants will interact with current staff from the United Nations, UNICEF, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Bank, and other organizations, as well as experts who have experience working at those organizations.There is no charge for the course, and advance registration is required.

 The various cross-border issues occurring around the world will have a major impact on future generations. It is essential for the younger generation to be actively involved in solving these issues, and there is a need to develop global human resources who will lead the world in the future. Against this backdrop, we are opening the ``Sophia Mirai Juku'' to help young people deepen their understanding of the changing world, the current state of society, and its future prospects.

 The first "Sophia Mirai Juku" in 2024 will feature nine authors of "Working at the United Nations" (Iwanami Junior Shinsho), published in October 1, as instructors, and will be hosting lectures on the United Nations (UN) and the United Nations. Participants will hear first-hand stories and dialogue about what it means to work in an international organization like the United Nations, based on their experience of working or working in specialized organizations.

 The spring semester will be held for a total of 2024 times from Saturday, May 5, 11 to Saturday, June 6, 8. This is an online course using Zoom, and lecture hours are Saturdays from 5:18 to 00:19. Capacity: 15 people. Those who wish to participate should register on the application site by Tuesday, April 300th. For the fall semester starting October 4, applications will be accepted separately around June.

Reference: [Sophia University Academic Affairs Office SFDP/International Cooperation Human Resource Development Center] [High school students only] (New) Starting in May 2024 Sophia Miraijuku (online)

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