Chuo University's student group "Team Disaster Prevention" has produced "Disaster Prevention Hyakunin Isshu" for children, which summarizes the knowledge and wisdom of disaster prevention.It can be downloaded for free from the official website of the university.

 "Team Disaster Prevention", an official student group of Chuo University Volunteer Center, is engaged in activities such as disaster prevention games mainly at events in Hino City with the philosophy of "learning, utilizing and enhancing each other through disaster prevention".As part of these activities, in 2018, we created "Disaster Prevention Hyakunin Isshu" in order to encourage many children to have knowledge and interest in disaster prevention while enjoying games and to utilize it in their daily lives.

 Disaster prevention Hyakunin Isshu has the knowledge and wisdom of disaster prevention to prepare for various disaster cases such as "Let's use the message dial in the event of a disaster", "Typhoon / heavy rain warning", and "Keep away from rivers and the sea". Are put together, and 171 sets of reading cards and cards are included in one set.The copywriting of the reading card was created by making repeated efforts to make it easy for children to understand. It was unveiled for the first time at the "Machizukuri Citizens Fair 30" in Hino City held in October 1, and it was made available for download this time because of the great response.

Reference: [Chuo University] Activities of official student groups "Team disaster prevention" We are distributing the original teaching material "Disaster prevention Hyakunin Isshu" to learn disaster prevention in a fun and easy-to-understand manner by downloading! !!

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