The "Hinatayama Music Competition" aims to nurture a love of music and a rich sense of humanity as well as improve performance skills by high school students through playing piano, vocal music, and orchestral and percussion instruments.
It also aims to contribute to the improvement of art culture and local music culture by promoting the development of music in general.
This time, as a new attempt, the top winners in each category will be given the privilege of being exempted from the document review and practical exam in the comprehensive selection entrance examination "Inquiry Entrance Examination Spiral Discover! Development Type".
With this benefit, it is hoped that students who have achieved outstanding results in music competitions will further develop in their university studies and take the first step toward becoming music professionals.
Additionally, by accepting and nurturing a greater diversity of musical talent, the university as a whole will contribute to the creation of a rich and vibrant musical community.

Contest overview
SponsorshipOberlin College, College of Arts and Culture, Department of Music
Application deadline2024/7/31
Information year2024

University Journal Online Editorial Department