The Department of Architecture, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University holds the "National High School / Architectural Design Competition" and is looking for works.
The theme of the 67th meeting is "House to open, house to open", and the content to be submitted should be a detached house in principle.The location and size of the site is free, but it is essential to explain the surrounding environment as to what kind of environment it is in.The structure, number of floors, etc. are free, and legal regulations may be within the scope of common sense.Please set the family structure, required rooms, etc. according to your own suggestions.
We look forward to new sensibilities and hopeful proposals.

Contest overview
SponsorshipNihon University College of Science and Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Junior College (Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture)
Application deadline2020/8/31
About the application deadline<< The application period for this year has ended >>
Information year2020

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