The number of large-scale industry-academia joint research projects (2019 million yen or more) in 1,000 reached 17.6, which is 1,451% higher than the previous year, according to the University Fact Book 2021 compiled by Keidanren, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.Reflecting the increasing trend in recent years, the number of large-scale joint research projects was 227, which was the highest ever at the University of Tokyo.

 According to the Ministry of Education, the number of large-scale joint research projects was 2013 in 600, but has continued to increase since then, reaching 2019 in 1,451.Although it accounts for only 5.1% of the total number of joint research projects, it has reached 51.9%, which accounts for the majority of the total number of joint research funds received.

 The amount of joint research funds received by university was the highest at 99 yen at the University of Tokyo, followed by Osaka University at 6,129 million yen and Kyoto University at 2 yen.The University of Tokyo has passed Osaka University from 92nd place in the previous year to take the lead.


 Kyoto University has the largest amount of joint research funds accepted with foreign companies at 2 million yen.This is followed by the University of Tokyo at 8,626 million yen and the Tokyo Institute of Technology at 2 million yen.The number of joint research projects with foreign companies was 3,318 at the University of Tokyo, 1 at Tokyo Institute of Technology, and 4,309 at Osaka University.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] University Fact Book 2021-Toward the expansion of full-scale industry-academia collaboration between "organization" and "organization"-

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