In the fall of 2017, Tokyo University of Social Welfare will hold free public lectures in collaboration with local governments on both the Isesaki and Nagoya campuses.Currently accepting applications.

 Tokyo University of Social Welfare holds open lectures for the general public at each campus every year in order to widely return the research results to the local community.

 2017年度の開催日は、伊勢崎キャンパスが、10月7・14・21・28日、11月18・25日。社会福祉学科 山下喜代美准教授による「楽らく介護 ~腰をいためない介護の方法~」、社会福祉学科 平仁准教授による「終活に関わるおカネの話」のほか、伊勢崎市教育委員会と共催の「大人のリトミック~音楽を感じて動いてみましょう~」、「刑事司法と犯罪心理学~犯罪をした人はどうなるのか~」など全9講座を開催する。※申し込みは先着順

On October 10th, the first day, Professor Norio Taguchi of the Faculty of Social Welfare will give a lecture on "Thinking about" Work Style Reform "", and on October 6th, the second lecture will be given by Professor Masafumi Nagasaka of the Faculty of Psychology. date held.

 All courses are free of charge.To apply, apply for the Isesaki Campus extension from the public lecture form on the Tokyo University of Social Welfare website, or by mail or fax to the Isesaki Campus.For courses on the Nagoya campus, the desired course name, address, name (Frigana), telephone number, and age will be clearly stated on the "round-trip postcard" and mailed to the Nagoya campus on October 2017, 10 (must arrive).
The Ikebukuro Campus is also scheduled to be held around January 30.

reference:[Tokyo University of Social Welfare] Tokyo University of Social Welfare Open Lecture

Tokyo Welfare University

Let's take a step now to become a welfare / childcare / education / psychology specialist

We are developing human resources who have a broad international perspective, deep affection and compassion for others, integrate theoretical and scientific abilities and practical abilities, and have flexible thinking ability and problem finding and solving ability.We offer 4 faculties, 3 departments, and 5 courses where you can acquire the specialized knowledge and skills necessary for learning according to your wishes and acquire abundant qualifications.Moreover[…]

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