When the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology investigated the implementation status of the education reform program, which is one of the pillars of graduate school reform, it was found that the implementation of some items such as multiple majors and joint curriculum with companies was less than 1%. ..

 The survey was conducted from October 2015 to January 10, and all 2016 national, public and private universities (except when student recruitment was suspended) with graduate schools were sent a questionnaire by e-mail regarding the implementation status in 1, and all of them were collected. ..The findings were reported to the graduate subcommittee of the Central Council for Education.

 According to the materials distributed by the Ministry of Education, the rate of implementation of educational reform efforts increased in almost all items.72.6% of the respondents answered that they had set up subjects to acquire research methods such as experiments and dissertation writing, and 51.2% of the course work took study subjects through multiple subjects, crossing majors and graduate schools. 43.2% set up core subjects, and 40.8% provided educational and research opportunities at foreign graduate schools.

 On the other hand, the rotation of the laboratory was 3.1%, the curriculum construction in collaboration with companies and government agencies was 7.8%, and the multi-major system was 8.4%.Only 18.9% of the subjects have introduced liberal arts courses, and only 26.7% have courses to develop project planning and management skills, which is not expanding as expected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

 The introduction of 5-year consistent education is relatively advanced in schools, national universities, and majors with a large enrollment capacity, but it is delayed in small schools and private universities.

 In 2011, the Central Council for Education reported that systematic education to improve the quality of students is needed for the new era of globalization, and that each graduate school should implement educational reforms.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Reference Material 8 26 Graduate School Activity Survey Results (Summary Version) (PDF)

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