The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has compiled an outline of the MEXT-related budget for the 2023 budget proposal.123 billion yen, an increase of 5 billion yen from the previous fiscal year, including 2,941 billion yen for national treasury contributions to compulsory education expenses, 1 billion yen for operating expenses of national universities, and 5,216 billion yen for science and technology budget.In terms of universities, he will focus on the internationalization of students, mathematics, data science, AI (artificial intelligence) education, and the advancement and internationalization of technical colleges.

 According to the education ministry, 372 billion yen will be invested in the internationalization of students.26 billion yen for the Top Global University Creation Support Project to support the internationalization of universities, 13 billion yen for the internationalization of educational programs, and 78 million yen for support for international student exchanges, with the aim of cultivating human resources who will play a leading role in the future of Japan in a globalized society. 255 million yen, and XNUMX billion yen for strategic acceptance of excellent foreign students.

 In mathematics, data science, and AI education, 12 billion yen will be spent on promoting model programs and nationwide expansion to spread the results of each university to other schools. 7 million yen will be spent on enhancing mathematics, data science, and AI education at private universities. Acquire knowledge and skills related to mathematics, data science, and AI in accordance with your field of specialization at a graduate school such as a graduate school, and go to a university so that you can acquire a degree that spans multiple fields such as humanities and social sciences and information. 5 million yen will be invested in the support of

 In terms of the sophistication and internationalization of technical colleges, 628 billion yen will be allocated to the development of human resources who will lead the digital age, the development of engineers who can be active overseas, and the acceleration of the development of startup human resources.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Budget for FY5

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