A research group led by Professor Gen Tohara of Tokyo Medical and Dental University has conducted joint research with Keisuke Maeda, Chief Medical Officer of the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology. has been shown to improve swallowing.

 In general, a method of preventing aspiration by dysphagia patients by thickening water to increase its viscosity is often used.On the other hand, carbonated beverages are said to have an effect of improving swallowing because their effervescence stimulates the pharyngeal mucosa and promotes swallowing movements.However, although there are studies that have verified the effect of thickened carbonated beverages on swallowing dynamics, no studies have been reported that have verified the effects of carbonic acid in carbonated beverages with thickened texture.

 Therefore, the research group compared the swallowing dynamics of 38 subjects when ingesting thickened carbonated beverages and non-carbonated thickened beverages.As a result, carbonated beverages with a thick consistency reduced pharyngeal retention (higher food retention in the throat and a higher risk of aspiration) than non-carbonated beverages with a thicker consistency.Also, the swallowing reflex occurred earlier.As a result, it was clarified that carbonic acid in thickened carbonated beverages has an effect of improving swallowing.There was no significant difference in aspiration and laryngeal penetration (intrusion of food into the larynx) between the thickened carbonated drink and the non-carbonated thickened drink.

 The results of this study suggested the effectiveness of thickened carbonated beverages for patients with dysphagia.Based on the findings obtained, carbonated beverages with thickening may be effective in swallowing training for patients with dysphagia who aspirate with water.Swallowing training using carbonated water has already been conducted in clinical settings, and in the future, we would like to verify the effect of swallowing training using carbonated drinks with thickening.

Paper information:[Scientific Reports] Effects of thickened carbonated cola in older patients with dysphagia

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

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