Caritas Co., Ltd. will conduct a ``career plan/life plan survey'' targeting students who graduated from university or graduate school in the spring of 2024, in October 2023 after they receive an official job offer, and during their spring break in 10 nearing graduation. , published the results.

 調査はキャリタス就活2024 学生モニターを対象に実施。2023年10月に1,174人(男子671人、女子503人)、2024年2~3月に877人(男子473人、女子404人)が回答した。

 According to the survey, when asked, ``How long do you plan to work for the company you joined?'', the most common answer for both men and women was ``I want to work until retirement,'' with 48.0% of men and 41.3% of women. This was followed by "about 5 years" and "about 10 years" for both men and women. It can be seen that they want to gain some experience at the company they joined as a new graduate.

 When we asked people who said they had no intention of working until retirement to predict their reason for leaving, the most common answer for both men and women was ``change of job,'' about 8% (82.9%) of men and over 7% (74.7%) of women. Only less than 1% of women chose ``marriage'' or ``childbirth/childcare'', and only a minority chose to quit their jobs due to marriage, childbirth, or childcare. However, when we look at women by career track, we find that among those in non-track positions, some are thinking of leaving the company after getting married or having children, and the difference was especially large for ``childbirth/childcare'' (among those who joined the track-track positions). 6.6%, non-regular employees 16.1%).

 When asked about future life plans, the most common choice of household style was ``both people working (dual income household)'', with over 7% of both men and women responding. Only 13.7% of boys and 5.5% of girls wish for ``husband to work and wife to stay at home (housewife household),'' and 2% of girls said ``I don't want to start a family.'' Nearby (17.0%) chose.

 Looking at the data for girls over the years, the desired household style has changed little by little; in 2016, when this item was surveyed for the first time, nearly 2% of female students desired a ``housewife household.'' It has decreased by more than 8 points over the past eight years (10% → 17.8%).

 When we asked people who said they wanted to start a family at what age they wanted to get married, the average desired age was 28.8 years for boys and 27.9 years for girls. Compared to the average age of first marriage announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (boys: 31.1 years old, girls: 29.7 years old / Reiwa 4 "Vital Statistics"), this is 2.3 years earlier for boys and 1.8 years earlier for girls.

 Regarding having children in the future, 58.6% of boys and 47.0% of girls said they wanted to have children, with less than half of the girls wanting to have children. Regarding childcare leave when having a child, 86.0% of women and 65.8% of men said they would like to take childcare leave. Including the answer "I would rather get one," more than 9% of both men and women wanted to get one. When asked about their thoughts on getting a spouse, 72.7% of boys and 67.5% of girls said they wanted one. If you include the "somewhat" answer, over 9% of both men and women would like to do so. It can be seen that they believe that the ideal is for husband and wife to cooperate in raising children, and that they are looking for an environment where both men and women can take childcare leave.

 Looking at the responses of women every three years, the percentage of women who would like their spouses to take the qualification ranged from 3% (2018%) of 3 graduates to 36.7% of 2024 graduates. % and increased by more than 67.5 points. This appears to be due to the fact that laws were revised during this period, and there was a growing social momentum to ``encourage men to take childcare leave.''

Reference: [Caritas Co., Ltd.] “Survey on career plans and life plans” of 2024 graduates (PDF)

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