In July 2023, Tokyo Metropolitan University will hold a special exhibition entitled "The Legacy of Tomitaro Makino, the Father of Japanese Botanical Taxonomy", which will display plant specimens collected by Tomitaro Makino, the model for the main character of the NHK TV series Ranman. It will be held from the 7th at the Makino specimen museum annex TMU gallery.Free admission.

 In 1958, after the death of Dr. Tomitaro Makino, approximately 40 unorganized plant specimens left at home were donated to Tokyo Metropolitan University.The Makino Museum was established in 1958 with the aim of organizing these unsorted specimens and utilizing them as academic materials for education and research. After more than 20 years of organizing work, the collection currently holds about 16 newly collected specimens, in addition to about 50 items excluding duplicates.

 In addition to the items collected by Dr. Makino, this special exhibition will also include specimens made by people who have been taught by Dr. Display many specimens.In addition, from the botanical specimens left by Dr. Makino, we can get a glimpse of the passion and personality of Dr. Makino, who continued to explore plants.

 The special exhibition “The legacy of Tomitaro Makino, the father of Japanese plant taxonomy” will be held from Saturday, July 2023, 7 to Saturday, September 15, 9. * Excluding Sundays, national holidays, August 30th, and August 8th to September 12rd.However, it will be open on Saturday, September 8rd.Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan University Makino Museum Annex TMU Gallery.Admission free.

Reference: [Tokyo Metropolitan University] Exhibition of genuine botanical specimens collected by Tomitaro Makino, the model for the main character of the NHK TV series “Ranman” [Collection of Tokyo Metropolitan University]

Tokyo Metropolitan University

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Tokyo Metropolitan University changed the university name from "Tokyo Metropolitan University" to "Tokyo Metropolitan University" in April 2020.It is the only comprehensive university established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and aims to contribute to the improvement and development of human society by achieving the results of education and research based on large cities.As part of that, a curriculum with a high degree of freedom and originality […]

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