A research group led by Professor Nobuo Suzuki of Kanazawa University's Research Center for the Environment of the Japan Sea has found that deep sea water reduces stress in flounder.Kynurenine, a compound contained in deep sea water, suppressed the secretion of stress hormones in flounder.

 According to Kanazawa University, the research group includes Professor Sou Matsubara of the Kanazawa University Science and Engineering Research Area, Associate Professor Yukihiro Furusawa of the Faculty of Engineering, Toyama Prefectural University, Professor Yoshiaki Tabuchi of the University of Toyama Graduate School of Integrated Life Science Education, Rikkyo University Sports Wellness Faculty Specially Appointed Professor Atsuhiko Hattori, Assistant Professor Yusuke Maruyama, and Professor Jun Hirayama of Public Komatsu University participated.

 The research group raised flounder for 10 days in deep sea water and surface water collected off the coast of Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, and investigated changes in stress hormone secretion.As a result, no changes were observed in the flounder reared in the deep sea water, while the secretion amount increased in the flounder reared in the surface water.

 Deep ocean water contains the compound kynurenine.It was found that this kynurenine acts on the osteoblasts of flounder scales, and the hormone secreted there suppresses the expression of genes that secrete stress hormones in the brain.

 It was said that raising flounder in deep sea water would enable long-term breeding, but the mechanism was not elucidated.The research group says that it has been proved that deep sea water is effective for culturing marine fish.

Paper information:[Scientific Reports] Kynurenine promotes Calcitonin secretion and reduces cortisol in the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus

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