MISUMI Group Inc., a global company that sells mechanical parts, tools, and consumables needed at industrial automation sites, supports students who are taking on the challenge of solving social issues through manufacturing, and aims to become the next generation of manufacturing talent. MISUMI provides "Manufacturing Support for Students" to foster students' skills. In fiscal 2023, a total of 10 organizations will be selected, including 10 "special support organizations" that will provide products worth 5 yen and 100 "regular support organizations" that will provide products worth 110 yen. Parts provision began on Wednesday, January 2024, 1.

 ``MISUMI Student Manufacturing Support'' is a program that solicits applications from student organizations that take on the challenge of ``engineering manufacturing'' every year, and provides MISUMI products free of charge to organizations that pass the selection process. Not only can you select the desired product from MISUMI's product variations of more than 3,000 million products and more than 800 billion (1 billion times 800 trillion), including the different sizes of made-to-order products, but you can also choose from a variety of mechanical parts. You can also arrange for ``custom-made products'' that are individually designed by a designer on ``meviy,'' an AI platform for mechanical parts procurement that allows AI to instantly respond to prices and delivery dates by simply uploading 3D data.

 "Special Support Groups" are selected from applications that greatly exceed the number of applicants, and are selected from among applications that have a high contribution to society, activities at global competitions, and groups that are highly motivated to work towards clear goals and aim to solve social issues through manufacturing. MISUMI evaluates organizations that have recently been established but are striving to contribute to society with a clear intention, and selects 10 organizations that can respond to interviews requested by MISUMI.

 "Regular support organizations" not only take on competitions involving robots and rockets, but also use organizations and technologies that focus on holding manufacturing classes for local children to revitalize the region and solve social issues. 100 organizations were selected after evaluating them as ``organizations that contribute to the future of manufacturing.''

 Through this program, MISUMI Group Headquarters will continue to support students who take on the challenge of participating in engineering manufacturing competitions and solving social issues through manufacturing, supporting their passionate passion for manufacturing, and contributing to the development of the next generation of manufacturing personnel. .

Reference: [MISUMI Group Headquarters] Student manufacturing support

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