Kyoto University announced that by analyzing the changes in newborn names over time, it was empirically shown that Japanese culture is transforming into an individualist culture that emphasizes individuality.The research results are published in the electronic version of the Swiss psychology journal "Frontiers in Psychology".

 The research was conducted by a research group consisting of Yuji Ogiwara, a researcher at the Graduate School of Education, and Yukiko Uchida, a specific associate professor at the Kokoro Research Center for the Future.Japanese culture is individualized by calculating the transition of popular name readings and the percentage of Chinese characters given from the 2004-2013 newborn name rankings published by Benesse Corporation and Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company. I considered whether it was.

According to the analysis, the percentage of people who are given popular Chinese characters has increased, while the percentage of people who have been given the reading of popular names has decreased. ), Etc., it was found that the number of reading types of popular Chinese character combinations is increasing over time.For popular Chinese characters, for example, English reading such as reading "sea" as (marin) instead of (kai) or (umi), or "heart" instead of (heart) (here) or (ko) There is an increasing tendency to give unique names by giving unusual readings, such as abbreviated readings such as), and these results gradually transform Japanese culture into an individualist culture that emphasizes individuality. I explained that it suggests that you are doing it.

 In the research group, why is there an increasing tendency to give unique names in the future, and what are the consequences of being given unique names in a changing society? I think it is necessary to consider.

Source:[Kyoto University] There is an increasing tendency to give unique names-suggesting the individualization of Japanese culture-

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