日本英語検定協会は、2019年7月2日に発表した、大学入試英語成績提供システムに対応する「英検2020 1day S-CBT(英検2020 1day)」の実施概要につづき、7月12日、最新情報として、2019年度高校3年生(既卒生含む)で、2020年度の大学入試で進学先が決まらなかった人への対応について発表した。

 According to the implementation outline announced last time, the first test of "Eiken 2020 1day S-CBT" in 2020 (implemented in April, May, June, July 1) will be reserved in September 2020. This application will be made in February 4.For the second test (implemented in August, September, October, and November 5), the reservation application will be made in January 6, and the main application will be made in June.The problem that arises here is that the main application for the 7st examination is in February 2019, and the reservation application for the 9nd examination is in January 2020, which is exactly the peak of the university entrance examination season.Furthermore, in January and February 2, the destinations for third-year high school students (already graduated) in 2 have not been decided.

そこで、大学入試の合否が決定する2020年3月下旬から4月上旬にかけ、進学先が決定しなかった2019年度の高校3年生(既卒生)を対象に「英検2020 1day S-CBT」の「第2回検定(通常2020年1月申込)」の予約申込を行うことにした。つまり、2019年度の高校3年生(既卒生)は2020年度に進学先が未定となった場合を想定し、2019年9月の「英検2020 1day S-CBT」の予約申込をしておく必要はないということだ。

 The Eiken Foundation of Japan will continue to announce the details of "Eiken 2019 3day S-CBT" on its website as soon as it is decided, such as support for third-year high school students (graduates) in 2020.

Reference: [Japan English Examination Association] About correspondence to 2020 high school third graders (including graduates) in 2020 "Eiken 1 2019 day S-CBT"

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