The 16 organizations that belong to the Japanese Literature-related Society Liaison Council, such as the Japanese Song Society and the Ancient Literature Society, have "logical sentences," "practical sentences," and "literary sentences" in the new course of study for high school languages. He expressed his concern about the fact that literature and humanities are being neglected.

 According to the Japanese Literature Society, the Japanese Literature Society, the Ancient Literature Society, the Saikou Society, the Kamidai Literature Society, the Showa Literature Society, the National University Language and Literature Society, the Used Literature Society, the Medieval Literature Society, and Japan have jointly expressed their views. Modern Literature Society, Japan Modern Literature Society, Japan Society of Literature Society, Japanese Literature Association, Manba Society, Mio Kimishikai, Wakabunkai, Japanese-Chinese Comparative Literature Society.

 In my opinion, in the new course of study for high school national language announced in 2018, the required courses are "modern national language" and "language culture", and the elective courses are "logical national language", "literary national language", and "national language expression". Although it is divided into "classical inquiry", he says that he is deeply concerned about dividing these subjects into logical sentences, practical sentences and literary sentences.
Furthermore, he criticized the new course of study, making it impossible to regard "logic", "practical use" and "literature" as contradictory concepts, and to distinguish individual teaching materials according to whether they are literary or not.

 He argues that limiting literature to linguistic arts in a narrow sense and enclosing them risks disregarding the humanities that open up a new worldview with words and driving them to decline.In implementing the new course of study, orders are placed so that humanities are not neglected in credit recognition and textbook selection.

reference:[Japanese Society of Kayo] Opinions on "High School Japanese Language and New Curriculum Guidelines"

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