A joint research group of Shinshu University and Yomeishu Seizo Co., Ltd. has found that the hot water extract (Kuromoji extract) of "Kuromoji" has a sustained influenza virus growth inhibitory effect.

 Kuro-moji, a deciduous shrub of the Lauraceae family, grows naturally in the mountains of Japan and has a scent mainly composed of linalool, which is expected to have a relaxing effect.

 In 2018, a clinical study conducted by Yomeishu Seizo Co., Ltd. and Ehime University Hospital for nurses showed that ingestion of Kuro-moji extract, which is a concentrated hot water extract of Kuro-moji, may reduce the prevalence of influenza. confirmed.However, since the specific mechanism has not been clarified and the sustainability of the inhibitory effect has not been clarified, further research has been carried out this time.

 This group investigated the anti-influenza effect of Kuro-moji extract using cultured cells derived from canine kidney tubular epithelial cells and influenza A virus.First, when Kuro-moji extract was added to cultured cells infected with the virus, the cytopathic effect caused by the virus was suppressed.Next, when the cells were treated with Kuro-moji extract in advance and infected with the virus after the extract was removed, the growth of the virus after the infection was suppressed.Furthermore, it was found that the growth inhibitory effect of this virus was maintained even after 24 hours or more.

 This study suggests that Kuro-moji extract acts on host cells to show an infection-suppressing effect, and that Kuro-moji extract has a sustained virus-suppressing effect.

 Influenza virus is transmitted quickly by contact with cells, so it is desirable to give cells an infection-suppressing effect before infection.It can be said that the intake of Kuro-moji extract is an effective preventive measure against influenza virus infection, and more detailed elucidation of its action is awaited in the future.

reference:[Shinshu University] Elucidation that the influenza virus growth inhibitory effect of the Japanese herb "Kuromoji" extract may last for a long time (PDF)

Shinshu University

Fostering human resources with abundant human and practical skills in local and global societies

Shinshu University is a wide-area campus-type general university with five campuses in Nagano Prefecture.It consists of eight faculties: humanities, pedagogy, economics, science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, and textiles, and conducts education and research to acquire a wide range of education and basic abilities.Utilizing common education across faculties and the regional characteristics of Shinshu, which is rich in nature […]

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